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Behind the scenes

The Careclave production process

Join us on the journey from production of our world-wide unique 4-in-1 Solution to the elaborate quality inspection to dispatch at our headquarters in Berlin - 100% quality made in Germany.

Behind the REVOLUTION of Instrument Reprocessing

We invite you behind the scenes of our 4-in-1 revolution Careclave. Join us on the journey from production through the elaborate quality inspection to shipping at our headquarters in Berlin - 100 % Quality made in Germany.

Want to dive deep into Careclave’s journey at MELAG? Then step behind the curtain and witness the magic: Our exclusive behind-the-scenes footage zooms in on the mesmerizing production process, focusing on the intricate assembly of over 1200 components for cleaning, disinfection and lubrication of your handpieces - ALL within the confines of the door alone.

But here's the kicker: to ensure this technical marvel operates flawlessly, each device undergoes an elaborate quality inspection process. Post-production, it's whisked away via elevator and automatic conveyance to the world's largest testing facility for instrument reprocessing solutions. There, each unit is subjected to a rigorous two-day test run to ensure peak performance. Once we're certain that everything is best working, then Careclave is sent to our warehouses for shipment to our delighted customers in over 80 countries.

Convinced? Then transform your daily practice routine with Careclave - the revolution of instrument reprocessing!

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We have been developing and testing Careclave for over 9 years

  • in endurance runs with over 40,000 cycles in specially developed test benches

  • in numerous test practices with a wide range of patient and instrument volumes

  • in an independent test laboratory with a view to maximising instrument protection

To ensure that you can rely 100 % on our innovative 4-in-1 solution and your valuable instruments and your valuable instruments, we at MELAG rely on intensive quality testing!


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The MELAG THERMINATOR: As powerful as Schwarzenegger in his prime! 🤖 The innovation from the future against viruses and germs.

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