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Celebrating the MELAG anniversaries

Ceremonial honoring of MELAG jubilarians:

We celebrate many years of loyalty and commitment

In today's fast-paced business world, it is rare for employees to remain loyal to a company for years, perhaps even decades. But we are fortunate to have such a team - a group of dedicated individuals who not only do their job, but live it with passion and commitment. Today we would like to honor our jubilarians and celebrate their impressive journey at MELAG.

An anniversary is more than just a number. It is an award for continuity, commitment and exceptional performance. Our jubilarians are the backbone of our company and an integral part of our success story. Through their tireless work, they have not only contributed to the growth of the company, but have also created an atmosphere of cooperation, respect and inspiration.

When we look back, we remember all the moments when our long-serving employees excelled. Be it through innovative ideas, outstanding project results or exceptional customer service. They have overcome obstacles, mastered challenges and always maintained their enthusiasm and professionalism. Their commitment is infectious and motivates us all to give our best.

An anniversary is not only an occasion to celebrate the past, but also to look to the future. The experience and knowledge of our long-serving employees are invaluable to the company. Their continuity and loyalty are a clear sign that we are on the right track and that we can continue to count on their leadership and expertise.

That is why today we not only want to express our gratitude, but also show recognition and appreciation for our long-serving employees. Their passion and determination are an example to us all and proof that true greatness is achieved through commitment and dedication.

To our jubilarians: Thank you for being a part of our journey and giving your best day in and day out. Your contribution is immeasurable and we look forward to spending many more successful years together.

10 years MELAG

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15 years MELAG

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20 years MELAG

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25 - 30 and 35 years MELAG

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